Wow. That's all I can say about this book. Wow. As you can see, I also finished the book Blue Bloods today and so I started reading this one. And once I picked it up I literally could not put it down. I had to read for a straight four hours to get through it and there was no other way I could have done it. It is such a harsh story but it really draws you in. Being able to see into the mind of someone willing to go to the extreme of killing themselves is a scary insight. But as you read, you can actually start to see why she might be motivated to do something so dramatic. It is also heart-breaking to be there with Clay to witness his part in Hannah's death. Knowing that you had a part, whether you were aware of it or not, in someone's death has got to be crushing. I really felt for Hannah as well as Clay while I was reading. Also, this isn't just a light-hearted story, it really has depth and perspective to it, which makes for an amazing book. Th1rteen R3asons Why really touched me and I don't think I'll ever be able to forget this book. I would recommend it without a doubt. It has a powerful message and it really sheds some light on a hard topic.