Monday, February 9, 2009


Thought I'd join in on the bookshelf sharing fun. :) Here's mine. I have all the books I've finished in alphabetical order by author's last name (yeah...OCD, I know) and then all the books I haven't read including library books are shoved onto the bottom shelf, however they'll fit. It's kind of bursting right now and I don't even have very many books. I definitely to get a second shelf even if it's tiny. So I can satiate all of my organizational needs. 
Oh and the weird looking versions of books (Audrey, Wait, Twilight, and New Moon) are Swedish versions. Just so ya know.
What do you think of my humble collection? 
(and I think you can possibly click on the pictures to make them bigger)


  1. Thanks for posting these. I could look at bookshelves all day long!

    Cool that you found a Swedish version of Audrey Wait.

  2. Fun! Sadly I could not click the pictures to make them bigger :(

  3. We have so many bookshelves, I'd fill up my entire blog page!

    L. Diane Wolfe

  4. Awesome Liv! But . . . You have WILLOW and you haven't read it yet! My gosh, what are you waiting for! READ IT NOW! :)

  5. Cool bookshelf! You have some great books on it!

  6. Oh, I love these posts. That's awesome you have Swedish copies of books. :-)


  7. Your bookshelves are so pretty!

    This will sound weird but I didn't know your full name was Olivia! I guess I just never thought about what Liv might be short for. lol

  8. Great collection/bookshelf! You have the Twilight Collector's Edition.. yey! Isn't it one of the nicest books you've ever seen?!

  9. Fun bookshelves! I love the block name. :)

  10. Cool! It's neat you have international versions! Is your copy of the Elite different?

  11. Oh, they just look so cute! I wanna add you to my "That's a Bookshelf?" feature, but next week is already book'd with Siobhan Vivian's picks! The following Monday for sure! Do I have your permission?


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