Monday, March 9, 2009

Last Call...

So I think I officially have seven entries in my Blog-o-versary contest. Which, at least to me, is a little pathetic. I mean, the prizes are actually GOOD.

-Bananagrams (picture above + it comes in a banana-shaped case, hehe)
-$5 Starbucks gift card
-Your choice of book from Amazon (under $10)
-Mix CD

And it's really not that hard to enter. Go here to find out how. And please, please, please do enter. I don't want to feel pathetic... 


  1. I plan to enter, I just need to come up with a story!

  2. Don't feel pathetic! Think of it the way those of us who entered are: our odds are up! :P

  3. You have tons of entries now!

    but now my odds of winning are down...poo. HHEHE


Pour your heart out. :)