Elizabeth Scott is the author of Bloom, Perfect You, Stealing Heaven, and Living Dead Girl, which was released yesterday! You can explore Elizabeth's website by clicking here. Her newest book Something, Maybe is set to be released in March, 2009. You can find my review of Stealing Heaven here, and Perfect You here. Elizabeth is a wonderful author and she provided some awesome answers to my questions. Enjoy!
This or that:
Rain or shine?
iPod or mp3 player?
iPod or mp3 player?
Movies or TV?
Movies or TV?
City or country?
Mountains or beaches?
Mountains or beaches?
Dots or stripes?
Dots or stripes?
frogs. (I once knew a lady who had a pair of frog print pants. They were fascinating -- and also kind of terrifying)
Dogs or cats?
Dogs or cats?
Cooking or eating out?
Cooking or eating out?
Coffee or tea?
Coffee or tea?
Books or magazines?
Books or magazines?
ah ha ha! Like I can pick just one.
Book store-
Book store-
whatever one I happen to be in at the time.
just one? you're killing me here!
Music artist-
Music artist-
I tend to like individual songs more than anything else
ohnotheydidnt (you may be above celebrity gossip. I am not!)
on a writer's salary? Target.
Coffee chain-
Coffee chain-
whatever serves water
Guilty pleasure-
Guilty pleasure-
anything that doesn't put an e on the end to make itself look quainte
Have you ever:
Lived abroad?
Have you ever:
Lived abroad?
Gotten a tattoo?
Gotten a tattoo?
nope. Why? Have you ever seen a saggy tattoo? I have. My eyes STILL burn.
Stayed up for the midnight release of a movie or book?
Stayed up for the midnight release of a movie or book?
Disliked your job?
Disliked your job?
Cried during a movie?
Sang karaoke?
Sang karaoke?
If you were on a desert island, what 5 things would you bring with
books, my husband, my dog, food, and water. Oh, and sunscreen,
so there would be at least a brief window of time where I didn't
look like a lobster.
What’s on the list of things you have to do during your life?
so there would be at least a brief window of time where I didn't
look like a lobster.
What’s on the list of things you have to do during your life?
own a car that isn't a stick shift (it doesn't sound like a big deal but
so far, this one thing has eluded me for about twenty years. (!))
If you could have one super power what would it be?
If you could have one super power what would it be?
putting more hours in the day
What’s your perfect music playlist?
What’s your perfect music playlist?
anything that makes me want to sing
What’s the one food you could eat day after day and not get sick of?
What’s the one food you could eat day after day and not get sick of?
If you could travel anywhere in the world, where would you go?
If you could travel anywhere in the world, where would you go?
What moment in history do you wish you could’ve experienced?
What moment in history do you wish you could’ve experienced?
I'd like to have seen one of Marlowe's plays performed during his lifetime.
What does your dream library look like?
Sadly, my house
When you walk into a bookstore, where do you head first?
When you walk into a bookstore, where do you head first?
YA! And then new releases.
If everyone had to read one book, what would you have it be?
Possession by A. S. Byatt
If everyone had to read one book, what would you have it be?
Possession by A. S. Byatt

Authors, do you want to be featured in a future Bits 'n Pieces interview? Email me at livsbookreviews@yahoo.com and we'll make it happen!
And the winner of a singed copy of Alive and Well in Prague New York by Daphne Grab is Dominique! If you could send me your address, I'll get that to Daphne. Congratulations!
I am a water girl, too. It's the only thing that I drink! And I LOVE Target!!
ReplyDeleteSeriously, Liv, this is an awesome feature. I hope that you continue it for a long long time!
rosesaremyfavorite at hotmail dot com
Oh, holy shooting stars! You interviewed Elizabeth Scott! We have the same favorite color!
ReplyDeleteThis is great, I love these Bits & Pieces. Mostly because they're random like me.
Oh & please don't enter me in the contest. I've already read & loved Stealing Heaven.
Interesting interview, Liv. Please enter me in the contest for Stealing Heaven!
ReplyDeleteAwesome, this is such a cool feature, and you got Elizabeth Scott! Enter me for the copy of Stealing Heaven!!!
ReplyDeleteGreat Interview! I also like random songs by artists, no favorite one. Atleast you know how to drive i'm 22 and haven't learned yet.
ReplyDeleteOooh, enter me please.
I love water & sunscreen too! Even on a cloud day, I apply plenty of sunscreen.
ReplyDeleteThanks for the fun interview and the giveaway, Elizabeth! I would love to win a signed copy of Stealing Heaven! Please enter me ^_^
I love her comment about frogs! It was completely unexpected.
ReplyDeleteI would love to win Stealing Heaven, I've read some of her books and greatly enjoyed it!
I love understanding the inner workings on an author.
ReplyDeletelinda9510 at gmail dot com
I love this new idea, Liv! It's really interesting. It's nicer than actually having to read through a whole interview. :]
elizabeth shops at target? and reads ohnotheydidnt on livejournal? ok, that's a woman after my heart! :)
ReplyDeleteand yes, please do enter me in the contest!
==iamzulma at livejournal
email: silverlakedweller@yahoo.com
elizabeth shops at target? and reads ohnotheydidnt on livejournal? ok, that's a woman after my heart! :)
ReplyDeleteand yes, please do enter me in the contest!
email: silverlakedweller@yahoo.com
(sorry for the repeat comment; please disregard the previous one as i forgot to log in with my livejournal name)
Really cool interview! I love Target too! Please enter me the contest!
ReplyDeleteI also head straight for YA in whatever bookstore I happen to be visiting... And I really, really want to read Stealing Heaven!
ReplyDeleteAh I love Elizabeth Scott and her books. I'm glad this interview was here, we're a lot alike, we have a lot of the same favorites!!!
I also love cake!
We both love books and mountains =DDD
ReplyDeleteHow can you not like coffee or tea? I love both.
ReplyDeleteI don’t really like coffee or tea either. But I love hot chocolate! =D This is such an awesome interview idea! Those frog print pants sound intriguing, lol!
ReplyDelete~Lucy D =)
I love your interview and how Elizabeth's personality definitely came through.
This is cool! And I would like to win Stealing Heaven.
ReplyDeleteI'm also a water lover. Please enter me!!!!!!
ReplyDeleteLol this was a so funny to read. I love the answer to the Dots or Stripes question. I would LOVE to see a frogs printed pants. I'll admit I would buy it (I love Kermit the frog) but I'd most probably wear it to sleep.
ReplyDeleteOh and please enter me to the contest!
Thanks Liv!
Oh, this is fun. Sorry it's taken me so long to even read one of these. Things are a bit hectic! LOL
ReplyDeleteBut I love having people answer these type of questions...I check YA first when i'm in the bookstore most of the time as well. LOL
I learned that I don't have a whole lot in common with Elizabeth Grant. :) I do like Fritos though!
ReplyDeleteakreese (at) hotmail (dot) com
haha! what she said about the saggy tattoo she saw, that made me laugh! i also liked what she said about what she'd take if she were on a deserted island
ReplyDeletelc_intocable at yahoo dot com