Sunday, May 3, 2009

Discouragement and Desperation

That right there is 41 books that I own but haven't read. It's horrible.
I kind of feel like a failure right now.
The only salvation I can see is the coming of summer.
I'm doing almost no reading for the rest of the month because of stupid school and finals. Why can't it just all be over already?
Why can't I read faster?
Click to enlarge the picture and tell me what my priorities should be? Just don't look at my feet.


  1. Dear god that's nothing! I have 100s of books I haven't read. You MUST read TMI!

  2. I fully understand I am doing so much other stuff with blogs, radio programs, guest stuff let alone my day to day work and everything that two young children bring to your daily lives I really have not got into writing my next book that much.

    I an wondering if to take a few days off and just hide in a hotel somewhere near the sea but that just will not happen.

    Good luck with all that reading


  3. I say you should read Wondrous Strange! Good luck with your finals!

  4. Yeah, you really shouldn't feel bad. I have less than that for review books, I believe, but ummm...I have TONS more for books that are just mine and I have no time to read them. I'm hoping to go all out this summer if I can. LOL

    Yes, read TMI. I haven't, but I really want it.

  5. I recently bought The White Darkness. And I really want to read The Chosen One!

  6. The Bell Jar is one of my favorite books. And the Kite Runner is good too. I'm going to try and catch up on reading this summer too!

  7. Oh, and I would put the Jane Austen Bookclub at the bottom of the list. I didn't care for that book at all.

  8. House of Dance and The Kite Runner. Excellent books. :)

  9. Don't worry about that...I have over 100!!! And what's even worse is I keep buying more.

  10. I prolly have more than that, lol. Do you wanna see my TBR list (which doesn't include everything as I haven't been keeping up with them all)? Email me. It'll make you feel better, lol.

    My suggestions are Out of the Pocket (quick read), The Chosen One (when you're done, can I borrow?), Wondrous Strange (awesome book), 13 Little Blue Envelopes, and The Kite Runner.

  11. Luckyyy!!!!

    My suggestions:
    GoldenGirl and A Northern Light

  12. I have about 100 to read! So feel lucky that you have only 41. I'm in over my head too....GAH. I'd suggest reading TMI, that one recently came out a few weeks ago.

  13. I'm with Alea 41 books is not bad at all. I also have hundreds.

  14. What a teeny pile! I have over 100! lol

    Anyway, House of Dance and The Bell Jar get my votes for top priority. :)

  15. The only book out of that bunch I've read is Goldengirl, and it was alright. I think it's worth the read if you like the rich girl type of books.

  16. Nice pile, digging the arrangement. I have like 50 books in total and I read like 20 of them. But my pile is way smaller compared to others here, however, doesn't seem that way to me. It feels like a crime having all those books, but can't read them, especially lot of them I kinda begged my parents to buy for me. =)

    Oh and you should read Wondrous Strange, Bones of Faieres, the book with the guys bare back, I wanna say One Lonely Degree (but not sure if its that one), House of Dance. Haven't read any of them (sorry I know, it was useless suggesting them) but I want to read your reviews for them!

  17. Definitely Catalyst and Prom and Chains by Laurie Halse Anderson. I've never read Chains, so I would love to read a review on it!

  18. I am voting for Second Helpings (as long as you've read the first one?) and A Northern Light. But you should probably read all of them at some point or another :)

    And by the way, nice feet :P
    (sorry, couldn't resist!)

    <3 Chelsie


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